In 1967, when Mo Yan was 12, he dropped out of school and worked at a construction site at a riverbank. He stole a radish from the production unit because he was starving but was caught, detained, and forced to attend a public criticism meeting. When he returned home, his father beat him. The bitter memory worked itself deep into his consciousness. In 1985 when he was in college, he dreamed of seeing a radish, and this imagery alone inspired this novella. Upon the recommendation of his teacher, Xu Huaizhong, it was published in the second issue of 1985 edition of Chinese Authors. It caused a sensation.
In the same setting, the story tells of how, when Hei Hai was caught stealing a radish, all of his clothes were peeled off. “At first, he embarrassedly used his hands to cover his penis, but within a few steps he let his hands drop.”
The whole text revolves around the details and the backdrop of hunger and loneliness. These are themes that repeatedly appear throughout Mo Yan’s works. They represent both material and spiritual deficiencies. Deprivation can cause undeniably shocking injury to people, especially children, but children possess a tenacious adaptability and tolerance – a numb sort of “aloofness” to vile living environments. It is precisely this disposition and strength that has kept Chinese peasants going since ancient times.
The work is vividly imbued with the flavor of the local language, which immerses the reader in Mo Yan’s so-called “auditory feast”.
From an artistic standpoint, the novella’s plot is original and unique. The work uses distinct detailing, a stifling setting, mysterious coloring, abundant symbols, and the classical Chinese technique of “synesthetic” to portray its characters. It also leaves a large artistic and imaginary blank space that imbues the work with a sense of ambiguity and haziness.
The “synesthetic” technique brings a sort of magical quality and coloring to the story. “It is a magical story, originating from a sense of excessive perception and feeling.” In this way, it has similarities to the magical realism of South America while still being rooted in Chinese tradition.
Mo Yan has said that no matter how many works a person writes, they are all related to their memories as a child; thus, every work produced is a sort of autobiography. Because of this, childhood memories are of particular importance in an author’s creative works. Hei Hai the protagonist contains traces of Mo Yan’s childhood and definitely reflects aspects of that time in his life.
The poetic imagery of A Transparent Radish departs from the bitter environment and the main character’s situation to add a dull sweetness to the suffering and loneliness.
After Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, Xu Huaizhong still considered A Transparent Radish to be Mo Yan’s most exceptional work.
Author Profile
莫言,山东高密人,1955年生。著有《红高粱家族》《酒国》《丰乳肥臀》《檀香刑》《生死疲劳》 等长篇小说,《透明的红萝卜》《司令的女人》等中短篇小说一百余部,并有剧作、散文多部。
Mo Yan was born in 1955 in Gaomi County, Shandong. Some of his notable works include Red Sorghum, The Republic of Wine, Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Sandalwood Death, and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out. Notable novellas include A Transparent Radish and The Female Commander. In addition to writings in other literary styles, such as plays and prose essays, he has written more than 100 short stories and novellas.
His works have been translated into many languages, such as English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Arabic, and Vietnamese. Mo Yan has had a considerable influence within literary circles, both Chinese and international. On October 11, 2012, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the only Chinese national to have received the distinguished honor.
The story tells of an orphan boy who is around ten years old. With his father away struggling to make a living in Northeast China, his stepmother has abused him from a young age. He has a big head, is reticent in nature, and he often gets lost in thought. Hunger and loneliness have caused him to develop unusually strong senses of touch, sight, and hearing. He can hear a strand of hair falling to the ground, see the vapor of a lake rising up, feel the warmth of the light from stars, and he can climb up and down a tall bridge’s pillars like a gecko.
The boy’s name is Hei Hai. His feet are bare and his calves covered in shining scars. His head is big and his neck long and slender. His back is exposed and nobody is willing to talk with him.
Hei Hai and a little stone worker have both been assigned to work on a flood detention lock. The ice-cold autumn has already come along. Adults have unrolled their layered jackets for the season, but Hei Hai only has one pair of short pants on his whole body: loose fitting, oversized, made of white cloth with light green strips. The pants are covered in stains. Some of the stains are from grass, and others are from a bloody nose.
Carrying a box and bellowing along, his thin body strains forward and upward. “Between his ribs, his heart throbbed pathetically like a little mouse,” Mo Yan writes. He never says anything and does not fuss over the cold. He uses his bare hand to grab hot metal that sizzles like a cicada on his skin. A yellowish smoke emanates from his scalding hand, but he remains calm and unhurried as if taking pleasure in the pain of his skin and flesh.
Hei Hai takes on such jobs just for a something to eat. His survival instinct always guides his vision involuntarily toward food.
On the job site, he receives the kindhearted protection of both the stone worker and a girl named Juzi. Still, the memory of his stepmother’s maltreatment lingers, and his faint feelings toward Juzi cause him attached to her, treating her as a mother-like figure. The attachment turns into a hazy sort of love. These sentiments that consume him are, at times, even somewhat lustful. While working, he gets lost in his imagination. The mystical gases and beautiful sounds cause “his complexion to gradually redden and the corners of his mouth to curl into a contagious smile.” He hides away Juzi’s floral handkerchief. She gives him steamed sorghum bread to eat, and it moves him to the point of tears. He hides his face behind his hands so other people won’t be able to see him cry.
Later, he bites Juzi. His heart overbearingly feels that Juzi belongs to him and should only pay attention to him. He does not like seeing her opening the door of her heart to the little stone worker.
Juzi and the stone worker spend more time together and seldom go to see Hei Hai. This causes him to feel extremely disappointed – the same disappointment as a child whose toy has been taken away.
When the stone worker and a blacksmith get into a fight, Hei Hai unexpectedly helps the bullying blacksmith to beat up the stone worker.
The blacksmith frequently makes Hei Hai steal sweet potatoes and radishes. Once while doing this, Hei Hai has a hallucination:
The shape and size of radishes are similar to pears with a long tail. The hairs on the tail are like gold fleece. The radish was transparent and glimmering, its features were delicate and fine. Inside its transparent and golden shell was a vivacious silver liquid. The radish’s contours gracefully flowed and from a beautiful arc emanated golden rays. The rays of light were long and short. The long ones were like the tips of wheat and the short ones like eyelashes. They were all golden...
The radish symbolizes the affection of Juzi and happiness. After this hallucination, he always has a special fondness for radishes.
The blacksmith is jealous of the stone worker’s happiness. Animosities new and old stand between them, and they fight violently. Some sand gets into the blacksmith’s eyes. Mo Yan writes:
The blacksmith was struggling to sit up. Both his hands grasped the shards of rock on the ground, throwing them in all directions. Juzi abruptly let out a shrill scream, and the blacksmith’s hands stopped their movement just as if he had died. The teardrops from his eyes had already pushed the sand out to the corner of his eye where it proceeded to drip onto his face. He hazily saw a white piece of stone stuck in Juzi's right eye, as if a white fungus had sprouted there.
Juzi’s right eye is now blind. Her sad story implies that kindness and beauty does not last long in the cruel reality.
Eventually, the blacksmith throws Hei Hai’s radish into the river where it can’t be found again. Hei Hai dives into the radish field:
He got down on both knees and pulled out a radish. When the thin roots of the radish separated from the soil, it let out a sound just like a bubble popping... Hei Hai held up the radish in his hand and inspected it in the sunlight... He wished that this radish were able to sparkle like the transparent and glimmering radish that had been lost in the river; he wished it could glow with golden, brilliant rays; but the radish he held only brought disappointment. It was neither pure nor exquisite. It had no golden halo. Moreover, he was unable to see the vivacious, silvery liquid within its golden rays... He moved forward a little on his knees, plucked out two more radishes, held them up to inspect, and then tossed them aside. He moved forward again, plucked, held up, inspected, and tossed aside again...
All of them are deeply red, but “… none of the radishes have completely matured.” This symbolizes that Juzi and a dreamlike happiness no longer belong to him.